About Me

Introduce My Name Ahli Seo (Blog Owner), I just ordinary people who are born from the womb of a mother who I love so much, our background of many small family always grateful for the favors that have been given by Allah SWT to our family at the time of Here you are.

I could not get in because of the perfect school with our family’s financial factor is just enough to eat every day, but from the poverty of the spirit was awakened me to learn and continue to learn so that I could achieve my future goals are to date not yet been reached.

I‘ll start a little story about the beginning of this blog journey made, well we started. At the beginning of 1997 blogspot present in the virtual world I was interested and started using a blog just to write a poem heart that I addressed to a lover who I love very much until now, even my first blog I still care and are updated once a month article.

In 2010 I started making a blog that contains about my efforts to help my parents to run the business that we tekuni I start a lot of traveling and the road or the term now (Blogwalking) I saw a very interesting blog and impressed Professionals. This is where my instincts moved for my blog design can be good and look good for all users. perfect after my blog I will use for everything that can be useful and friendly with your friends around the world.

For me to live in this world just to stop by drinking a glass of water and then going back to him. I always pray that before it closed for good eye I only have 3 wishes are:

1. I want happy parents and beloved wife and my children
2.I Want all my little work this could be useful for all people around the world
3.If eyes closed for good earlier this let me see my son and daughter could grow better than could be useful for the country and nation

so from this small article that just my nature to chase the dream and create and I hope you are reading to ignore her you please continue to enjoy all the content from this blog, and I say many thanks to all of you have volunteered to visit a blog that I very berantakan.jika you do not mind before leaving this blog, I hope you leave a good condition and criticism in my guest book already prepared Greetings Success Always Make You All

Hallo sahabat ku, saya ini seorang anak yang lahir di jakarta tahun 81, ayah dari blitar dan ibu asli jakarta. saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang selalu berusaha untuk membuat kedua orang tua saya  tersenyum. kegiatan saya sehari harinya adalah membuat website / blog, berdiskusi, berpromosi dan bersilahturahmi. bagi saya pendapatan seseorang dan ilmu itu pemberian Alloh SWT yang diantarkan berkat ketekunan usaha dan semangat kita melalui teman dan sahabat kita.

Saya ini bukanlah manusia yang sempurna, berlimpah dengan ilmu dan harta. Saya tidak akan memaksa kalian semua untuk menyukai saya, tapi saya akan selalu menyukai kalian semua.

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